Speaking Events

Canadian Museum for Human Rights

January 19, 2021 @ 1:00 pm EST
Click here for registration information

Vivek will be moderating a panel discussion with the Ambassadors to Canada of the five Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland) on the human rights impacts of COVID-19. This event is being held to commemorate Raoul Wallenberg Day.


Quantum Days

January 14, 2021 @ 3:30 pm EST
Click here for registration information

Vivek will be speaking at a panel during Canada’s leading quantum science conference on how the quantum research community can work to develop this powerful new class of technologies to respect human rights by design.


Artists in Conversation

July 29th @ 5pm
New York, NY

Use this area to speak to your mission. Maecenas a varius odio egestas auctor. Praesent facilisis, ex a gravida ultricies, quam sed magna placerat eros, et vehicula lectus ligula id dui. Aliquam uto cursus velit ut eros lorem ipsum ullamcorper iacul.

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